The Threads That Bind Us, has been extended till the 25th May 2021.
A real sensory experience with fabrics and threads. Explore this beautiful exhibition in a “slow” art viewing manner.

Saturday 22nd May 2021. Creative Journaling Workshop lead by artist Thelma van Rensburg.
If you like crafting, drawing, writing and/or painting and you are you looking for something to relieve stress and connect with your inner self, come and join us in this very relaxing and fun workshop were we all share our experiences and inspiration. No pressure, no criticism, just authentic and free like a two year old! Come and play!

5th of June 2021. Opening of Ilandi Barkhuizen’s Virtual Solo exhibition Make The Circle Bigger.
Ilandi’s works are beautifully executed in a mixed media format of digital printing and oil paints. For more information about what and why she created these pieces, please click on the image below.